Friday, May 31, 2024

Building the Story to Win: A Journey of Struggles and Triumphs

Building the Story to Win: A Journey of Struggles and Triumphs

I have been learning and still am learning, like crazy, to make ends meet. It often feels like an uphill struggle, and this mindset has not translated well to my team and family. As a result, I've created an internal narrative filled with hopelessness and failure. This negative mindset has been building and manifesting inside me, influencing my thoughts and actions. My learning is to change this mindset and to expect that if things go sideways, I will learn and build from it.

The Roller Coaster of Life

My life has had its share of ups and downs, twists and turns. Despite the challenges, I have truly enjoyed the journey. The one constant has been the knowledge I've gained, which has built a resilient mindset. It's been a roller coaster of learning and acquiring knowledge, followed by dips into less favorable mental states, sometimes even depression. This does not work for me, nor do I believe it works for anyone. My advice is to keep searching for answers.

For me, Audible has been a lifesaver. As someone who learns best through listening and with limited time, it fits perfectly into my life. I have a four-year-old son and a wife with an injury, making household tasks another challenge. My wife, who usually runs at 100 MPH, has found this pause particularly difficult. Today, on her birthday, this is our story.

A Leader Among Tribes

I have several teams around me, each like a tribe, and our battle is to gain sales and exposure in our markets. To achieve this, I need to find and create new partnerships, utilize my tribal leaders, and ensure they have the resources they need. Investors are like repeat buyers who return again and again, providing the necessary funding to invest in our tribes. Currently, our teams are not aligned, and there's a lot of squabbling among the leaders. My job is to build unity through this story.

My Message to the Team

@Team EEC, @Simos, @Bal, @Chris, @Art, @James, @Ryon, and the Products Team,

Good day, everyone!

As we navigate through our current challenges and opportunities, it's essential to remember that each of us plays a crucial role in the overarching narrative of our company. Like Lawrence of Arabia's strategic efforts to unite diverse tribes towards a common goal, we too are on a mission to align our efforts and drive Trade Plumbing to new heights.

Here's where each tribe stands:

Products Team and EEC Ecomclip: You are our frontline, ensuring our arsenal is well-stocked and ready. Your relentless effort in adding new products and updating feeds is the foundation of our marketplace presence.

Simos and Affiliate Warriors: You are expanding our territories, capturing new grounds through affiliate platforms. Your strategies are crucial for our visibility and expansion. Let’s keep track of how many new platforms we're featured on each day and explore innovative strategies for further expansion.

Bal’s Automation Guard: You are the architects of efficiency, streamlining processes to ensure our operations run smoothly and effectively.

Art and James’ Marketing Scribes: You craft compelling narratives that reconnect us with our past allies (customers) and ensure they remember our banner. Your cutting-edge email campaigns are aimed at re-engaging our past customers, driving more impact than traditional PPC strategies.

Chris and Ryon’s SEO Masters: You are boosting our website’s exposure, building links, and increasing our site's organic reach. Your efforts are crucial in driving sales and ensuring that our site is found by potential customers.

Sales Force led by James Waters: With every lead pursued and every follow-up, you ensure that no opportunity for victory is lost. Your systematic follow-ups, enhanced by Bal's system improvements, are essential to our continuous engagement and success.

Strategic Pushes

Full Operational Push: We go all out for a month, optimizing every resource, onboarding suppliers, and then retreating to minimal operations to assess the battlefield.

Automation Overdrive: Like crafting a finely tuned machine, we scale down and automate, turning Trade Plumbing into a lean, mean operating machine.

Bridge with Mano Mano: This could be our blockbuster twist, leveraging our alliance to temporarily bridge financial gaps.

Mission Control Communication

To ensure our communication is as sharp and coordinated as our strategies, I'm establishing a dedicated WhatsApp group. This will serve as our command center, focusing solely on strategic directives and operational updates. Let’s keep our discussions targeted and actionable.

Our Emblem

Attached to this message, you'll find our logo, a symbol of our unity and strength. Let it serve as a reminder of who we are and what we stand for as we move forward together.

This is more than just a plan; it’s our story in the making, and every one of you is vital to its success. We are crafting a tale of triumph through adversity, driven by innovation, commitment, and the courage to make tough decisions.

Let's rally together, not just to survive but to thrive. The script for our success is in our hands, and with each of you playing your part flawlessly, there is no doubt that we will succeed.

Looking forward to our strategic huddle. Let's plot our course to victory and make sure our next scenes are our best yet!

Onward to victory,


P.S. Each tribe will be doing more than I have outlined here. We can improve the narrative as we go. Please let me know what you would like to improve and advise on. We need to give this next month the biggest push ever as we have no margins for error now.

Pick what images should we use or use both or create one for you self with your image built in 

I used AI to help make these it took longer than i thought and I used lots of images to use still work in motion this is the ideas to use as images can drive a direction I have aske dthe team what image is better what one do you think works or do we start again ?

Creating the Right Story

To effectively communicate and motivate, it’s crucial to build the right story that captures the imagination. Simply stating facts does not inspire the team. Framing our challenges and goals as a compelling story allows us to engage the creative side of our minds. Observing my resilient four-year-old, I’ve realized the importance of viewing our journey as a movie, where each of us has a role to play.

As the director of this movie, I am responsible for setting the scene and ensuring everything runs smoothly. This approach helps me engage the team and keep them motivated. I am constantly learning and adapting, drawing inspiration from books like:

"Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life" by Arnold Schwarzenegger: This book emphasizes vision and planning, providing the drive to keep going even when the struggle seems endless.

"Pre-Suasion" and "Influence" by Robert Cialdini: These books teach the art of persuasion, which I apply to my emails, templates, and interactions, helping me motivate and influence effectively.

"Stop Reading the News" by Rolf Dobelli: This book has helped me focus on my own journey rather than being distracted by the world's stories, reducing stress and improving my mental state.

"Hacking the Unconscious" by Rory Sutherland: This book offers insights into solving challenges and understanding human behavior, which I apply in my leadership and personal growth.

"Tell to Win" by Peter Guber: This book has been particularly transformative. It underscores the power of storytelling in achieving business success. Guber explains that telling a compelling story is essential for winning over customers, investors, and even your own team. This book has helped me understand that our journey and our challenges can be framed as a powerful narrative, motivating and aligning everyone involved.

By integrating these lessons into my narrative, I aim to build a cohesive and motivated team, ready to face any challenge and drive our business to success. This is our story, and together, we will make it a triumphant one.

The Science of Motivation

Understanding the science behind our emotions and motivations is key to building resilience. The brain releases various chemicals that influence our moods and behaviors. Here are a few that play a significant role in our daily lives:

Dopamine: Often referred to as the "feel-good" hormone, dopamine is associated with pleasure and reward. It's what drives us to seek out and achieve our goals. High levels of dopamine can improve motivation and focus.

Serotonin: This hormone regulates mood, anxiety, and happiness. Low levels of serotonin are linked to depression. Activities like exercise, exposure to sunlight, and positive social interactions can boost serotonin levels.

Oxytocin: Known as the "love hormone," oxytocin is associated with bonding and trust. It's released during social interactions and physical touch, promoting feelings of connectedness and reducing stress.

Cortisol: Often called the "stress hormone," cortisol is released in response to stress. While it helps the body respond to challenges, chronic high levels can lead to anxiety, depression, and other health issues.

Personal Challenges and Triumphs

Balancing personal and professional responsibilities can be incredibly challenging. My daily life involves taking care of my son, supporting my injured wife, and managing multiple business tasks. Here’s a glimpse into my routine:

  • Childcare: Taking care of a four-year-old is like a full-time job. From feeding and playing to teaching and comforting, it’s a constant need. Hearing "Daddy, daddy" is something I love, but it also requires me to be present and engaged.

  • Housework: With my wife temporarily unable to help, I've taken on more household chores. Cleaning, cooking, and organizing have become part of my daily routine. I look forward to outsourcing some of these tasks once we have better revenues.

  • Business Management: My responsibilities include meetings with leaders, setting direction, creating KPIs, crafting email templates, CRM planning, raising funds, and more. Each task is crucial for the growth and success of our businesses.

Inspiration from Books

Books have been my guiding light, providing me with knowledge and motivation. Here are a few that have had a profound impact on me:

"Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life" by Arnold Schwarzenegger: This book has inspired me to think big, plan meticulously, and keep pushing forward, even when the going gets tough.

"Pre-Suasion" and "Influence" by Robert Cialdini: These books have taught me the art of persuasion, helping me communicate more effectively and motivate my team.

"Stop Reading the News" by Rolf Dobelli: This book has helped me eliminate distractions and focus on my own story, reducing stress and anxiety.

"Hacking the Unconscious" by Rory Sutherland: This book provides deep insights into human behavior and problem-solving, helping me lead more effectively.

"Tell to Win" by Peter Guber: This book has been particularly transformative. It underscores the power of storytelling in achieving business success. Guber explains that telling a compelling story is essential for winning over customers, investors, and even your own team. This book has helped me understand that our journey and our challenges can be framed as a powerful narrative, motivating and aligning everyone involved.

The Journey Ahead

Building a story that resonates with my team and myself is a continuous process. It's about framing our challenges and goals in a way that inspires and motivates. As the director of our collective journey, I am responsible for setting the scene, ensuring everything runs smoothly, and keeping the team engaged and focused. This approach helps me and my team navigate the complexities of our business, turning each challenge into an opportunity for growth and success.

By viewing our journey as a story, we can better understand our roles, stay motivated, and work together towards our common goals. This narrative framework not only helps in managing the present but also in planning for the future, making our collective journey a triumphant one.

This is our story, and together, we will make it a triumphant one.

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