Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Welcome to Wealth Dynamics Peter Clayton Primary Profile in a nut shell just done this really good what you all think

I just found out i'm a cross between a star and a creator :-) To find out more what i'm on about have a look at the link below. This is a useful tool to help develop a team and also myself to be better at what I do and to work on the right things that suite me. Very good info and dose make me think of how I am when I read the info I have loads more info on this and if you want to do it just click on the link :-)


Wealth Creation Key: Building a better brand

Strengths: Creative; outgoing, able to motivate and inspire others, quick to connect; holds the stage, high energy and knows how to have fun.

Weaknesses: Often overpowering, can forget to consider everyone, not strong at detail, often runs with first ideas before considering other ideas

Successes: Best when free to express and develop their own identity. Stars are best when able to work on their presentation and performance, provided the light is used to shine on others around them. Stars need a team to be at their best.

Failures: Failure comes from frightening others away by expecting too much of others or taking on too much themselves. When Stars are overly judgmental of others or themselves, they find themselves all dressed up and nowhere to go.

The best roles in teams: Creative projects, big picture thinking, promoting projects, leading the team, people-focused leadership, learning through conversation and discussion, communicating through debate and performance.

The worst roles in teams: Detailed study, time-keeping, system planning, measurement, looking after everyone, keeping views to themselves, detailfocused leadership, learning through text books, communicating through data.

The best roles in life: Marketing, promotion, sales leadership, presenting, performing, leading out of crisis, motivation, starting a business.

The worst roles in life: Financial detail, research and measurement, customer care, detailed writing, patient listening, project management.

Stars to learn from: Oprah Winfrey (Harpo), Martha Stewart (MS Living Omnimedia), Madonna, Lady GaGa, Arnold Schwarzenegger (California Governor), Bono (U2), Bill Clinton (US President), Barack Obama (US President)

Peter Clayton's Secondary Profiles in a nut shell


Wealth Creation Key: Building a better product

Strengths: Visionary, creative, optimistic, stimulating, able to inspire others, can multitask, quick to get results, great at getting things started.

Weaknesses: Poor sense of timing, impatient, over-optimistic with what others can achieve, easily distracted, terrible at getting things finished.

Successes: Best when free to create, with a team to promote and a team to watch the details. Excels when kept focused on the big picture strategy and the creative process through to the end result.

Failures: Failure comes from trying to control too much, run too fast, or expect too much of others. Creators often keep to themselves and so fail in their communication and expectations. The best roles in teams:

Creative projects, creative problem-solving, big picture thinking, strategy, task-focused leadership, learning with visuals, communicating in simple summaries.

The worst roles in teams: Time-keeping, detailed analysis, taking time with everyone in the team, being down-to-earth, activity monitor, learning with text books, communicating the details.

The best roles in life: Big picture, business strategy, brainstorming, product development, design, risk-taking, starting new companies.

The worst roles in life: Customer service, repetitive routines, detailed analysis, market research, proof reading, patient implementation, time keeping.

Creators to  learn from: Thomas Edison (General Electric), Walt Disney (Walt Disney Company), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Steve Jobs (Apple/Pixar), Richard Branson (Virgin), JK Rowling (Harry Potter Books), Steven Spielberg (SGK DreamWorks)

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely fantastic job on summarizing Peter Clayton's Primary Profile for Wealth Dynamics! It's concise yet captures the essence perfectly. Great work! 👍👏 #WealthDynamics #PeterClayton #ProfileMastery
