Monday, January 24, 2011

Peter Clayton’s Building of a life plan, the vision and mission

This is my 1st steps publicly to my plan, building a vision and mission the 1st steps is understanding of ones self.

What is my vision to be successful to be great or just to become a person that has done fantastic? All these things make up my plan and vision of me in the end. I have a plain in my business to have the perfect business this is by business vision mine is to myself this is what is right now burning in me and wanting to escape a real vision for me Peter a Clayton.

I have been reading a book by Steven Covey and this again has put my mind in to an over drive of self-beliefs and self-awareness making me do right in myself. One of the things that has come to light is I need to have a Vision not just for my business’s Journey but also for me in this life. I have been making lots of discussions and new roads to my life’s path. So what is my Vision of me what is this to me? A vision is a look in to the future that is that mirage that you see in your dream and then head for in your life to get there. This is the part of you that makes the want to get there, as there is the purpose and meaning to it.

My Vision is in me at this point and will be clear in the next week or so just now is I’m here writing my thoughts out aloud putting all this information on to my unconscious mind. So it does all the hard work and it deciding what will come of this though my vision :-). Now that is some deep things that I have been learning. Thanks to Mark Newey and Andy Sleet my business coach.

My vision is of financial success this is the one side of my head telling me that I need the toys and lifestyle to make me happy; I do believe I will be happy with this. But a big but there is more to this than just this vision of money as there is an underlying want in me that is to help other people succeed this is in me when I talk to people and want to shear my knowledge that I have gained from other successful people.

For me I’m saying that I love the feeling of getting in a nice car wearing a suite. Being noticed I feel is an underlying need in most people, to be noticed with what ever you do, so then we get a feeling of fulfilment and purpose, this can be from the peer pressure of our plant that we are here to be successful also the need to always be better in ourselves. I mean being noticed in people saying what a good job we have done as well and how well we are doing this is a feeling that drives me to keep going and improving my life.

I have been learning the art of empathy with Steven Covey and I do this mostly naturally, just to understand this with extra meaning has today given me a massive boost to my interpersonal skills.

The feeling of thinking there is something else that is around us all dose give me inquisitive thinking. I do not relay this out as I know there is things as being a human we don't have knowledge and understanding of. being a human we attach this to the feelings of spiritual and this is a thing that we call the unexplained but present feeling of what is happening. Some will call this Gods others the universes power many books expelling about there views of it.

I do feel a lot of the things that we read in this area dose make sense in the being of a human also is generally a good direction of what to do in our life, by giving us a goal if one can put it this way. I am also on a goal so I respect the Spiritually side as a entity that I also need to take on board. This used in my own way helping my inner-self and other around me. what form this is, will be reviled in my path in life.

I'm sure any one reading this other than myself, and friends that know me. Will see I have a passion and willingness to do things, this I feel is no different to any person in the world as we all have it in us its the accessing of it.

I have just made the choice to have so much extra knowledge taught to me in the last 6 years. That is lots of things that did not make sense before, now do. The only one that I feel dose not need to make sense but I don't mind is there is the spiritual side and we don't have the knowledge to understand just yet. But as they say in the year 2012 we will do, well just have to see if that happens and then take it from there.

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